Frequently asked questions
about flights:
- How to apply for a flight?
For the LI-2 you have to register in a mail for the given address. In all cases you will get an answer for that.
For PO-2, Kanya and Gerle you can fix a date by phone.
- What dates can you apply?
For the LI-2 there is a certain Saturday in every month. For groups you can ask for other date as well.
PO-2, Kanya, Gerle - any date if you apply 2-3 days before by phone, but the minimum flight time for this is 20 minutes. If you want to fly less, you have to choose a date when other people will come as well.
- How can I pay?
After applying by phone, you will get our confirmation mail including the account number you can send support for the foundation.
You can pay at the airport by cash as well.
- What happens if we have to cancel the flight?
We can change the date for another one, or we can send the money back.
We would appreciate receiving your phone number when you apply.
- Is there a special ticket for children?
Under 2 years no ticket is required, if older, the same ticket as for an adult.
- Is there a seat confirmation?
- How can I buy a gift-voucher?
If you pay through the bank account, we can send the voucher by post, or you can come to our office and buy it there.
- When does the ticket expire?
Every year at the end of October.